Install WordPress on Raspberry Pi

Having setup a Raspberry Pi as a webserver, you may want to run WordPress on it.

SSH to your Pi and change into the web root folder:

cd /var/www/html

remove all the files currently there

sudo rm *

Download the latest WordPress package

sudo wget

Extract the Tarball to get to the wordpress files.

sudo tar xzf latest.tar.gz

Move the extracted files into the current directory and remove the tarball file.

sudo mv wordpress/* .

sudo rm -rf wordpress latest.tar.gz

Raspberry Pi Webserver

Yes, there are tens, if not more, of tutorials on how to setup a raspberry pi as a web server. The raspberry pi foundation even have a detailed tutorial. However, I have found that I tend to look at several websites when settings up my webservers, so I wanted to refine everything into one place.

First start off with a fresh install of raspbian – I always use lite on web servers as I don’t need all the extra software.

Run the normal update and config with

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade 
sudo raspi-config

and set a static IP address by editing /etc/dhcpcd.conf and inputting the following with the appropriate settings for your setup

interface eth0
interface wlan0


Once updated, and assigned an IP you can setup the web server

sudo apt install apache2 -y

Once installed, browse to the IP address of the pi and you should see the Debain default web page.

If you want to change the port that the web server is working on edit the ports.conf file in /etc/apache2, and the 000-default.conf file in sites-available,


To install php run the following command

sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php -y

You can check the install worded by creating a phpinfo page

sudo nano /var/www/html/phpinfo.php

with the following code

<?php phoinfo(); ?>

Congratulations, you now have a basic web server up and running on your pi.

If you intend on using a database with PHP you need to install the connector:

sudo apt install php-mysql


Many websites are dynamic websites, and run on a database. Some sites run MySQL, but many sites are now using MariaDB. Install mariaDB with the following command:

sudo apt-get install mariadb-server

MariaDB will configure itself during installation. You then need to secure the install with the following:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Set a password and answer ‘y’ for all the questions.

You can now log into the mysql database

sudo mysql -u root -p

You need to create a database, and a user to interact with that database. Use ‘CREATE DATABASE’ and the database name e.g. website


Next create a user by running the following command, change the ‘user’ and the ‘password’ to suit your needs.

CREATE USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

The give the new user access to the database you created earlier

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON website.* TO 'user'@'localhost';

Finally to allow the new user access to the database, you need to flush the priviledges. Do this with the following command



Install PHPMyAdmin on the pi with this command:

sudo apt install phpmyadmin

PHPMyAdmin will then install on your pi. There are various configuration steps needed to setup PHPMyAdmin. When prompted which type of webserver you want to run PHPMyAdmin on choose ‘apache2’.

Now you need to configure PHPMyAdmin for your MySQL server.

You will need to specify a password for PHPMyAdmin to interact with your MySQL database – choose a strong password, and one that is different to the root password you set earlier.

PHPMyAdmin will by default block access to the MySQL database. If you didn’t create a user earlier, do so now.

To access PHPMyAdmin through your wesbite, you need to edit the ‘Apache2.conf’ file and add the PHPMyAdmin config to the bottom of the file:

Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf

Now restart Apache2.

sudo service apache2 restart

Your webserver is now up and running. You can see how I installed WordPress in the next post.